Possibilities and Understanding of the Karabakh Conflict Resolution 25 Years after the Ceasefire : Page 10 of 10

and in classical termsthis works against pronounced nationalism. So what? There is also the function of the chair. He absolutely had to demonstrate harshness and here you are–Artsakh should be a party to the negotiations, and D. Tonoyan’s statements followed. Well, do not you assume that Tonoyan made these statements all by himself, without asking the authorities?

Arif Yunusov - There has always been demand for peace, the matter is about the scale of the demand. I believe that today the level of such demand for peace is very insignificant, in both societies the level of radicalism is very high, and therefore we should rather talk about the existing demand for a new war rather than peace. Today, the task of the representatives of the two societies is to prevent escalation and war. And peace is most likely the task of another generation.

Grazvydas Jasutis - There is a natural need for peace, but I can remind you that we must be ready for war in order to achieve peace. Peace cannot be granted, but in my opinion, it can be imposed by strong international actors. It will not derive from local initiatives, since the goals and results that Azerbaijan and Armenia want to achieve are incompatible. The international community and very influential countries may impose this decision, but 1). they must agree among themselves and 2). they must have the political will and resources to do this.



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